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Meet DeWayne
Reverend Doctor DeWayne Davis was born in the Mississippi Delta, the 15th child of former sharecroppers, and has maintained a lifelong commitment to justice, safety, and love. His father only achieved a sixth-grade education, but his parents were able to send all their children to college.
DeWayne is currently the Lead Minister of Plymouth Congregational Church of Minneapolis and recently served as the Chaplain of the Minnesota State Senate. Before being ordained for the ministry in 2012, he worked as a congressional staffer on health care, housing, transit and transportation, reproductive justice, civil rights, voting rights, and small business development, among many other issues.
Throughout his career, DeWayne has pursued justice in everything he does. He regularly meets with both federal and state legislators on providing more safe, stable, and affordable housing, as well as the importance of banning so-called “conversion therapy,” public safety reform, healthcare, and other justice issues. His commitment to complex systems work resulted in him co-chairing the Minneapolis Community Safety Work Group, providing the City with recommendations to transform the current system of policing into a system of support for community safety. He’s a fixture at public rallies on social justice issues and a faith presence when community members face state violence.
DeWayne leads with love. Every year, his congregation hosts the homeless vigil honoring our neighbors who passed away while unhoused. While Senior Pastor at All God’s Children Metropolitan Community Church, he worked with the community to offer a consistent space and partnership for hosting the annual Minnesota Overdose Vigil, which honors those who have passed away from overdoses. He believes that together, we can build a more just world. That is why DeWayne dedicates time to teaching leadership courses at the United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. His work in partnership with community members has resulted in awards and recognition from OutFront Minnesota, Lavender Magazine, and Howard University Magazine.
DeWayne holds a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy from Howard University, an M.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park, a Master of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC, and a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Biblical Preaching from Luther Seminary in Saint Paul.
DeWayne and his college sweetheart Kareem live in the Willard-Hay Neighborhood of North Minneapolis. They have been together for 33 years and legally married on their twentieth anniversary in 2011, when marriage equality was achieved in Washington, DC. They can be found in North Commons Park several times daily, walking their rescue cocker spaniel, Eubie.